There are forces pushing us,
which seem like fists squeezing
our head against the ground, like gravity.
There are antagonistic forces
that will never come to be understood,
like the protons and electrons of this
huge atom that we are.
However our dream is to fly higher and higher,
further away ...ATOMS AWAY.
That is what this work is about:
to demonstrate that impossibilities
can also navigate the contradictions
of our giant self.
A tribute to all those
who dream supported in the doorway
of the emergency exits.
Choreography_ Marcos Marco
Duration_ 22 minutes
Performers_ Clara Cafiero, Marcos Marco
Music_ Murcof, The late Cord
Pictures_ Didier Philispart
Production_ Malaga Dance Festival
(Ventana abierta a la danza),
Margen Festival Logroño 2016.