The Marceline
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The Marceline


Marcelino Orbés was born in Jaca (Huesca) in 1873, at the age of six he was taken by the world of circus. He performed in Barcelona, Amsterdam and London, but it was in New York where he became the «greatest clown in the world». His performances were written in the best American newspapers. He was an entertainment star and a referent for Charles Chaplin or Houdini, but Marceline was lost in the time and he committed suicide, alone and ruined, in a Manhattan hotel’s bedroom. His death was published at The New York Times and The Washington Post. Marcelino was gone, «the greatest clown I’ve ever seen» as Buster Keaton said in his memories.

With this project we intend to pay tribute to Marceline but also to all the artists of that time who did not know how to adapt to a new artistic era


September 2019 Tour
Jaca, Huesca, Santander, Zaragoza,
20th November 2020 Marseille Théâtre Toursky


Duration: 54 min

Direction and choreography /  Marcos Marco.

Assistant Chorégraphique / Andrés García Martínez

Production-Diffusion / Alejandro Longines

Performers / Andrés García Martínez, Juliette Guiraud,

Gen Isomi, Hinako Maetani, Claudia Sportelli, Marcos Marco

Music /  The Caretaker, Micah P. Hinson, Taraf de Haïdouks, Boban Markovic Orkestar, Tigran Hamasyan, Jun Miyake, Frederic chopin

Pictures /  Thierry Hauswald

Texte /  Marcos M

Production /  Compañía Nacional Danza España, Theatre Toursky, ENDM Marseille